Central Scotland Gundog Club

Welcome to the Central Scotland Gundog Club' website. 

Here you can find all the information you'll need about the club, working tests and field trials.

If you would like to apply to become a member of the club

Select 'New Member Application'. This is also available from the 'Membership' menu.

As a member with a registered email you can login to the website

and manage your own profile and dog details. 

Click here for instructions.

Renew your membership On-Line from the Membership section of the website.

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Summer 2024 Field Trials Newsletter Available 

On-Line Entry to the clubs Working Tests and Field Trials is now available.

Open Status Granted

We have been advised as of 4th Aug 2022:
At its last meeting the Field Trials Committee gave consideration to your Society’s request for permission to hold the above event. I am pleased to inform you that permission to hold an Open AV Retriever Stake has been granted, and the Committee wish to encourage you to run a 16 dog Open Stake, rather than a 12 dog.



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