{ stakeEntries:
[ { name: 'Stake 3 - 16 Dog Novice A/V Retriever Trial',
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breedGroupName: 'Retrievers',
specificBreed: false,
breedId: '',
breedName: '',
date: Fri Nov 29 2024 09:51:52 GMT+0000 (utc),
time: Mon Oct 28 2024 09:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
maxEntries: 16,
memberFee: 50,
normalFee: 80,
nominationFee: 0,
isOpen: false,
[ { id: '8767b9e8-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Roddy Forbes' },
{ id: '8767aa3e-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Fraser Forbes' },
{ id: '87687752-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr William Spacey' },
{ id: '87680a10-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Adam Mair' },
[length]: 4 ],
_id: '946809a1-d4af-4148-b44f-1e2c06b2c955',
[ { owner: 'Mr Liam Jamieson',
date: Thu Oct 31 2024 21:34:29 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '6723f7dd368c75110008da02',
name: 'Tullyah Paxton of Canderrose',
regNo: 'AY07865506',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Wed Apr 07 2021 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Declan Boyle',
sire: 'Tullyah Jasper',
dame: 'Mountwillow Lucy',
{ contactId: '65d2551fab2d07110074d4fa',
name: 'Mr Liam Jamieson' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Liam', surname: 'Jamieson' } },
{ owner: 'Mr. David Milne',
date: Thu Oct 31 2024 22:41:33 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '66f3b690a708351100229d25',
name: 'Finderlie Boathvic',
regNo: 'AY09158703',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Fri Jul 02 2021 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'G. Eadie',
sire: 'Mekoro Shot Marker of Waterford',
dame: 'Finderlie Fionnlaidh',
{ contactId: '876828b0-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr. David Milne' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr.', forename: 'David', surname: 'Milne' } },
{ owner: 'Mr John Cullen',
date: Fri Nov 01 2024 07:31:11 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '6368f6495411b311009bcd3f',
name: 'Macelphin of Lairg',
regNo: 'AX01919007',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Mon Mar 30 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'P Michael',
sire: 'Greenbriar thunder at Drakeshead',
dame: 'Thunderlands Paloma',
{ contactId: '8767717c-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr John Cullen' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Fri Dec 06 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '1st',
stake: 'Novice',
society: 'Gamekeepers National Association' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'John', surname: 'Cullen' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Duncan Keith',
date: Sat Nov 02 2024 02:01:29 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '672587db368c75110008da0c',
name: 'Upparkbrae Vesuvius',
regNo: 'AY08965006',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Fri Jan 08 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Dr P Ipsen',
sire: 'Omachie Colonel of Carnochway',
dame: 'Barely White Amber',
{ contactId: '64f96b0f6a068a11000530be',
name: 'Mr Duncan Keith' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Duncan', surname: 'Keith' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Mike Rolland',
date: Sat Nov 02 2024 21:52:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '670e4aaea708351100229d42',
name: 'Bishopbrae Hel of Cardy',
regNo: 'BA18465708',
studNo: '2297DF',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Tue Jan 17 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'D Logan',
sire: 'Millbuies Grouse of Cardy',
dame: 'Honoris Indie',
{ contactId: '87685c2c-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Mike Rolland' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Wed Nov 20 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '1st',
stake: 'Novice',
society: 'Highland Gundog club' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Mike', surname: 'Rolland' } },
{ owner: 'Ms Helen Paterson',
date: Sun Nov 03 2024 09:27:21 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '66fed789a708351100229d38',
name: 'Peallaidh Brig O\'Doon',
regNo: 'AZ13275403',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Sat Mar 05 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Helen Paterson',
sire: 'Ftch Beileys Aguzannis Of Fendawood',
dame: 'Peallaidh Caledonia',
{ contactId: '876845de-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Ms Helen Paterson' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Ms', forename: 'Helen', surname: 'Paterson' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Joe Hunter',
date: Sun Nov 03 2024 18:00:59 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '66fa6258a708351100229d2c',
name: 'Linksview Quinn',
regNo: 'AY08574706',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Wed Mar 31 2021 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Dr Paul Flanigan',
sire: 'Copperbirch cobra',
dame: 'Heathergorse Bonny of Linksview',
owner: { contactId: '636a89865411b311009bcd45', name: 'Mr Joe Hunter' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Joe', surname: 'Hunter' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Ross Freel',
date: Sun Nov 03 2024 21:18:40 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '6702e578a708351100229d3d',
name: 'Struddies Armani Code of Stoneloch',
regNo: 'AY08380208',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Wed May 05 2021 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Samantha Boyle',
sire: 'Brocklebank boorbon',
dame: 'Highwalk Kerry',
owner: { contactId: '6591cc14c9bae51100b62a4c', name: 'Mr Ross Freel' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Ross', surname: 'Freel' } },
{ owner: 'Mr James Munro',
date: Sun Nov 03 2024 21:38:05 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '44e2a93d-d879-44e5-8c01-70607f77283e',
name: 'Morayglen Knockfrink',
regNo: 'AY09037808',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Mon Jun 21 2021 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'James Munro',
sire: 'Liverycroft Northernlight of Morayglen',
dame: 'Brackenbird Glencoe of Morayglen',
{ contactId: '87683422-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr James Munro' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'James', surname: 'Munro' } },
{ owner: 'Mrs Caroline Slater',
date: Sun Nov 03 2024 21:39:49 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '147d22e2-0cb1-48e8-bf86-485462ab06d9',
name: 'Kayteridge Don\'t Stop',
regNo: 'AW01629008',
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breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Tue Apr 23 2019 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mick Kay',
sire: 'Thornyoaks Topaz',
dame: 'Eiderbay Forth of Kateridge',
{ contactId: '87687068-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mrs Caroline Slater' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Caroline', surname: 'Slater' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Paul Robinson',
date: Mon Nov 04 2024 12:49:54 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '6508a7a3c9bae51100b629a2',
name: 'Lady yard Rosie of Ardlarach',
regNo: 'AY07660206',
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breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Fri May 07 2021 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Dr Marshal Illingsworth',
sire: 'Ft Ch Harperrig Breac',
dame: 'Laichsands Flora At Glassgreen',
{ contactId: '63b46b66780cbc10002e1497',
name: 'Mr Paul Robinson' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Paul', surname: 'Robinson' } },
{ owner: 'Dr Jacqueline Hay',
date: Tue Nov 05 2024 19:38:54 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '670ad874a708351100229d40',
name: 'Tarnedge Flyer of Laggengill',
regNo: 'AZ14803301',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Mon May 23 2022 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Eden Parish',
sire: 'Ftch Tarnedge Flynn',
dame: 'Tarnedge Dawn Run',
{ contactId: '8767d91e-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Dr Jacqueline Hay' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Dr', forename: 'Jacqueline', surname: 'Hay' } },
{ owner: 'Mrs Carol Johnson',
date: Tue Nov 05 2024 20:38:10 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '631321ef37c8c210008f139f',
name: 'Accio Bladerunner',
regNo: 'AXO1775401',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Fri Apr 03 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Carol Johnson',
sire: 'Nullsecundus River Druie',
dame: 'Corrib Harriet',
{ contactId: '8767efc6-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mrs Carol Johnson' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Carol', surname: 'Johnson' } },
{ owner: 'Mrs Barbara Everitt',
date: Thu Nov 07 2024 16:36:49 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '642930283b8ebb1200709844',
name: 'Cairngryffe Dronach',
regNo: 'AX02242707',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Sat May 02 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Kevin Haynes',
sire: 'Cairngryffe Artair',
dame: 'Dreamacres Bizzylizzie',
{ contactId: '876795b2-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mrs Barbara Everitt' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Wed Nov 22 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '3rd',
stake: 'Novice',
society: 'Gordon and district' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Barbara', surname: 'Everitt' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Tony Everitt',
date: Thu Nov 07 2024 16:39:13 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '65147c7dc9bae51100b629bf',
name: 'Glenfia Viper',
regNo: 'AW03311703',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Sun Jun 23 2019 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'K. Coysins',
sire: 'FTCH Mitforton Oscar of Leadburn',
dame: 'Glenfia Ignition',
{ contactId: '87679a08-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Tony Everitt' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
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handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Tony', surname: 'Everitt' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Tony Everitt',
date: Thu Nov 07 2024 16:42:33 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '672cede5368c75110008da2c',
name: 'Pompeii Jasper',
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studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Thu May 05 2022 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'S. Clapperton',
sire: 'Westerkames Rigline of Brogdenview',
dame: 'Janfran Midnight Lily',
{ contactId: '87679a08-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Tony Everitt' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Tony', surname: 'Everitt' } },
{ owner: 'Miss Lynne Ferris',
date: Thu Nov 07 2024 19:37:14 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '217dd708-4b08-4901-9993-bf48e39fd4f2',
name: 'Kenzduo Carry That Weight',
regNo: 'AZ14983201',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Mon Jun 06 2022 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'L Ferris',
sire: 'Millbuies Grouse Of Cardy',
dame: 'Unavida Canna',
{ contactId: '8768b83e-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Miss Lynne Ferris' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
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handler: { title: 'Miss', forename: 'Lynne', surname: 'Ferris' } },
{ owner: 'Mrs Myrene Swindall',
date: Sun Nov 10 2024 16:37:14 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '6343fe615411b311009bccc4',
name: 'Tamniarn Oakleaf Paddy',
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studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Sun Mar 24 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'S McGroarty',
sire: 'Highwalk Galway',
dame: 'Carrickview Fern At Drumgoose',
{ contactId: '876884a4-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mrs Myrene Swindall' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
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handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Myrene', surname: 'Swindall' } },
{ owner: 'Ms Nikki Waddington',
date: Sun Nov 10 2024 18:59:29 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '62e2efbdb07a731000faaa0a',
name: 'Tildaross Eclipse',
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studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Sun Mar 25 2018 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr L Hayman',
sire: 'Copperbirch Ross',
dame: 'Leadburn Matilda',
{ contactId: '87688b84-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Ms Nikki Waddington' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
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handler: { title: 'Ms', forename: 'Nikki', surname: 'Waddington' } },
{ owner: 'Mrs Sarah Miles',
date: Mon Nov 11 2024 17:22:40 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '647f738b9aa8161100d1c97b',
name: 'Meonvalley Murdoch',
regNo: 'AZ14570706',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Sat May 21 2022 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Sarah Miles',
sire: 'Millbuies Ghillie',
dame: 'Texacali Praline of Meonvalley',
{ contactId: '4e825e43-fd58-48b3-89d3-7a7e8a28575f',
name: 'Mrs Sarah Miles' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Sarah', surname: 'Miles' } },
{ owner: 'Mrs Sarah Miles',
date: Mon Nov 11 2024 17:22:40 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '647f74199aa8161100d1c97c',
name: 'Meonvalley Lussa',
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studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Sat May 21 2022 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Sarah Miles',
sire: 'Millbuies Ghillie',
dame: 'Texacali Praline of Meonvalley',
{ contactId: '4e825e43-fd58-48b3-89d3-7a7e8a28575f',
name: 'Mrs Sarah Miles' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
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handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Sarah', surname: 'Miles' } },
{ owner: 'Mr John Howden',
date: Mon Nov 11 2024 19:50:30 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '101e2992-67dd-4fdb-b34a-4c95058b682f',
name: 'Silversnipe Blue Whirl',
regNo: 'AZ14024708',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Sun Mar 13 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr. Joe Maclure',
sire: 'Silversnipe Red River',
dame: 'Silversnipe Popular',
{ contactId: '8767e5a8-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr John Howden' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'John', surname: 'Howden' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Colin Stuart',
date: Thu Nov 14 2024 09:41:44 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '630de96e37c8c210008f136d',
name: 'Lochmuir Louis at Langtoun',
regNo: 'AW03060403',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Mon Jul 08 2019 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr T Boyd',
sire: 'Troddenmills Full Throttle of Leach',
dame: 'Lochmuir Lottie',
{ contactId: 'af0ed6ca-867d-4598-bfc1-ff61db7968c0',
name: 'Mr Colin Stuart' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Colin', surname: 'Stuart' } },
{ owner: 'Mr David McBurney',
date: Thu Nov 14 2024 10:41:33 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '66fd23f3a708351100229d35',
name: 'Loganbell Suzi of San Juan',
regNo: 'AX00616409',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Sun Jan 05 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Helen Mcburney',
sire: 'Troddenmills Full Throttle of Leacaz',
dame: 'Little Bella of Gorebridge',
{ contactId: '8768142e-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr David McBurney' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'David', surname: 'McBurney' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Craig Wright ',
date: Thu Nov 14 2024 13:50:33 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '65aff22dc9bae51100b62a75',
name: 'Tamrose Teeny (Teeny)',
regNo: 'BA0921368',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Wed Sep 30 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
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date: Sun Nov 03 2024 21:38:05 GMT+0000 (utc),
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date: Sun Nov 03 2024 21:39:49 GMT+0000 (utc),
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date: Sun Nov 10 2024 16:37:14 GMT+0000 (utc),
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date: Mon Nov 11 2024 19:50:30 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ _id: '6735c5e6368c75110008da35',
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{ _id: '6735d3f7368c75110008da36',
date: Thu Nov 14 2024 10:41:33 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ _id: '67360170368c75110008da37',
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