{ stakeEntries:
[ { name: 'Stake 3 - 16 Dog Novice A/V Retriever Trial on Sat 3rd Dec 2022',
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breedGroupName: 'Retrievers',
specificBreed: false,
breedId: '',
breedName: '',
date: Sat Dec 03 2022 16:14:50 GMT+0000 (utc),
time: Wed Sep 21 2022 09:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
maxEntries: 16,
memberFee: 35,
normalFee: 70,
isOpen: false,
[ { id: '876800ec-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr David Logan' },
{ id: '87681d52-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Barry McDowell' },
{ id: '87675944-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Michael Brown' },
{ id: '876828b0-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr David Milne' },
[length]: 4 ],
_id: '27d144e7-8be4-44aa-af30-f62127d29dfb',
[ { owner: 'Mr John Cullen',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 13:47:21 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '631242c037c8c210008f1390',
name: 'Nabside Max',
regNo: 'AU03684102',
studNo: 'Registration number',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Wed Aug 16 2017 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'S K & M E Mallinson',
sire: 'Drakeshead Vince',
dame: 'Nabside Holly',
{ contactId: '8767717c-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr John Cullen' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'John', surname: 'Cullen' } },
{ owner: 'Mr John Cullen',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 13:47:21 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '6368f6495411b311009bcd3f',
name: 'Macelphin of Lairg',
regNo: 'AX01919007',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Mon Mar 30 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'P Michael',
sire: 'Greenbriar thunder at Drakeshead',
dame: 'Thunderlands Paloma',
{ contactId: '8767717c-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr John Cullen' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Fri Dec 06 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '1st',
stake: 'Novice',
society: 'Gamekeepers National Association' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'John', surname: 'Cullen' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Graham Wilson',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 14:00:49 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '63593c205411b311009bcce2',
name: 'Scarrabus Tweed',
regNo: 'AY05798306',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Tue Feb 02 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Graham Wilson',
sire: 'Mekoro wagtail of scarrabus',
dame: 'Wapsac wiggle it of scarrabus',
{ contactId: '8768996c-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Graham Wilson' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Graham', surname: 'Wilson' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Andy Fairweather',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 14:29:58 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '630c643437c8c210008f1351',
name: 'Clonikada Achelois Of Honoris',
regNo: 'AW0901853',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Tue Oct 16 2018 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'G Gaffney',
sire: 'FTCH Copperbirch Mandella',
dame: 'Mountwillow clover',
{ contactId: '87679cd8-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Andy Fairweather' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Andy', surname: 'Fairweather' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Ian Palmer',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 14:33:11 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '635943ec5411b311009bcce5',
name: 'Drakeshead Fenton',
regNo: 'AX00390302',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Sat Dec 28 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'S Halstead',
sire: 'Troddenmills Full Throttle of Leacaz',
dame: 'Drakeshead Emilia',
{ contactId: '87684174-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Ian Palmer' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Fri Sep 29 2023 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '1st',
stake: 'Novice',
society: 'northumberland and durham' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Ian', surname: 'Palmer' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Allan Downie',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 15:30:55 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '630be10237c8c210008f1341',
name: 'Gunnerspeg Basil',
regNo: 'AX02080606',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Mon Mar 09 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr S capstick',
sire: 'Troddenmills full throttle of leacaz',
dame: 'Drakeshead diva of Gunnerspeg',
{ contactId: '87677fdc-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Allan Downie' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Allan', surname: 'Downie' } },
{ owner: 'Mr David Milne',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 15:54:26 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '62e02048d1cbdd1000d3ee0e',
name: 'Julval Beauty of Druidsmere',
regNo: 'AX02046107',
studNo: '3756DJ',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Thu May 21 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'L. Sanaghan',
sire: 'Glassgreen Draco',
dame: 'Julval Ava',
{ contactId: '876828b0-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr. David Milne' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Fri Oct 04 2024 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '1st',
stake: 'Open (24 Dogs)',
society: 'Forth and Clyde Working Gundog Association' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'David', surname: 'Milne' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Matthew Gordon',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 17:12:18 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '62f1b764b07a731000faaa18',
name: 'Luisenga Hazel of Glengorlinds',
regNo: 'AV0280264',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Tue Jun 19 2018 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Claire Hotchin',
sire: 'Highlandbrae Hector',
dame: 'Glassgreen Tawny Owl',
{ contactId: '8767cdac-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Matthew Gordon' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Wed Dec 15 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '2nd',
stake: 'Novice',
society: 'North of Scotland gundog' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Matthew', surname: 'Gordon' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Jonathan Sim',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 17:15:47 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '62e01176d1cbdd1000d3ee0a',
name: 'Auchentore Back in a Flash',
regNo: 'AX01403403',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Thu Mar 12 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mrs K L Rennie',
sire: 'Ft Ch Dunjailin Rocky Rouge of Westerkames',
dame: 'Strathruddie Don of Auchentore',
{ contactId: '87686960-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Jonathan Sim' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Thu Sep 19 2024 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '1st',
stake: 'Novice',
society: 'Forth&Clyde Club' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Jonathan', surname: 'Sim' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Colin Stuart',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 18:24:40 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '630de96e37c8c210008f136d',
name: 'Lochmuir Louis at Langtoun',
regNo: 'AW03060403',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Mon Jul 08 2019 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr T Boyd',
sire: 'Troddenmills Full Throttle of Leach',
dame: 'Lochmuir Lottie',
{ contactId: 'af0ed6ca-867d-4598-bfc1-ff61db7968c0',
name: 'Mr Colin Stuart' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Colin', surname: 'Stuart' } },
{ owner: 'Mrs Fiona Melville',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 18:50:14 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '630d1e8037c8c210008f1362',
name: 'Mordor Coll',
regNo: 'AX00373703',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Thu Nov 28 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr C Thorburn',
sire: 'Galbarch Explorer of Mordor',
dame: 'Mordor Aintree',
{ contactId: '876823c4-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mrs Fiona Melville' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Fiona', surname: 'Melville' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Lee Hartis',
date: Thu Oct 27 2022 05:03:30 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '635a10df5411b311009bccfc',
name: 'Kentwone Columbine of Leacaz',
regNo: 'AY07833007',
studNo: '5073DI',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Thu Apr 15 2021 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mrs N Freeman',
sire: 'Ftch Troddenmills Beck and Call of Leacaz',
dame: 'Brocklinton Biddy',
owner: { contactId: '62f60cf3b07a731000faaa22', name: 'Mr Lee Hartis' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Wed Oct 04 2023 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '2nd',
stake: 'Open (24 Dogs)',
society: 'Carmarthenshire gundog club' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Lee', surname: 'Hartis' } },
{ owner: 'Mrs Carol Johnson',
date: Thu Oct 27 2022 15:09:54 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '6313217737c8c210008f139d',
name: 'Corrib Harriet',
regNo: 'AVO901703',
studNo: '0618DG',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Tue Jun 13 2017 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'P O\'Brien',
sire: 'Drumgoose Warlord',
dame: 'Lurriga Cedar of Corrib',
{ contactId: '8767efc6-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mrs Carol Johnson' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Tue Sep 26 2023 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '2nd',
stake: 'Novice',
society: 'Highland' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Carol', surname: 'Johnson' } },
{ owner: 'Mrs Carol Johnson',
date: Thu Oct 27 2022 15:09:54 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '631321ef37c8c210008f139f',
name: 'Accio Bladerunner',
regNo: 'AXO1775401',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Fri Apr 03 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Carol Johnson',
sire: 'Nullsecundus River Druie',
dame: 'Corrib Harriet',
{ contactId: '8767efc6-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mrs Carol Johnson' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Carol', surname: 'Johnson' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Ian Lohoar',
date: Fri Oct 28 2022 11:38:45 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '6320eed25411b311009bcc80',
name: 'Loumicquest Wigeon',
regNo: 'AV03390106',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Sat Jul 28 2018 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr and Mrs M Cato',
sire: 'Birdsgreen Cluedo Of Wedgenock',
dame: 'Brogdenview Morganite Of Loumicquest',
{ contactId: '876803b2-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Ian Lohoar' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Ian', surname: 'Lohoar' } },
{ owner: 'Mrs Sarah Miles',
date: Fri Oct 28 2022 14:12:48 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '62f2c555b07a731000faaa1e',
name: 'Meonvalley Woodfield',
regNo: 'AX03836802',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Wed Sep 30 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Ms. S. Miles',
sire: 'Troddenmills Gets Cracking at Meonvalley',
dame: 'Texacali Praline of Meonvalley',
{ contactId: '4e825e43-fd58-48b3-89d3-7a7e8a28575f',
name: 'Mrs Sarah Miles' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Tue Apr 12 2022 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '1st',
stake: 'Novice',
society: 'Tay Valley Gundog Club' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Sarah', surname: 'Miles' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Lewis Macneill',
date: Fri Oct 28 2022 14:36:03 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '630d0be837c8c210008f135e',
name: 'Boris of Auchencloch',
regNo: 'AX01780801',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Wed Apr 08 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'L Macneill',
sire: 'FTW Tannachy Mikes Boy of Auchencloch',
dame: 'FTW Meme Mias Pickachuu',
{ contactId: '87680808-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Lewis Macneill' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Lewis', surname: 'Macneill' } },
{ owner: 'Mr James Munro',
date: Sat Oct 29 2022 08:46:50 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '632075fb5411b311009bcc7e',
name: 'Liverycroft Northern Light',
regNo: 'AW01818104',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Thu Feb 20 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr G Sykes',
sire: 'FTCH Troddenmills Full Throttle of Leacaz',
dame: 'Tullah of Liverycroft',
{ contactId: '87683422-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr James Munro' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'James', surname: 'Munro' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Tom Forgie',
date: Sat Oct 29 2022 19:32:08 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '62fbfa57b07a731000faaa2b',
name: 'Boreland Bestie',
regNo: 'AX03852102',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Thu Aug 27 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'K Forgie',
sire: 'Jocksburn Jock',
dame: 'Jocksburn Bonnie',
{ contactId: '8767c014-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Tom Forgie' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Wed Oct 11 2023 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '1st',
stake: 'Novice',
society: 'Highland Gundog Club' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Tom', surname: 'Forgie' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Kerr Taylor',
date: Sat Oct 29 2022 19:33:27 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '635d7f915411b311009bcd13',
name: 'Remys Ralph',
regNo: 'AX03724003',
studNo: '',
breedId: '40f5c444-7a84-4616-a01d-e38d5c3d311a',
breedName: 'Retriever (Golden)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Wed Aug 05 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Chelsea',
sire: 'Fallowfens Imperial Red',
dame: 'Muldan Interlink',
{ contactId: '62e5a15cb07a731000faaa0d',
name: 'Mr Kerr Taylor' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Kerr', surname: 'Taylor' } },
{ owner: 'Mrs Barbara Everitt',
date: Sun Oct 30 2022 10:15:06 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '635e4e7f5411b311009bcd16',
name: 'Thunderlands Cracker',
regNo: 'AS03816905',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Tue Oct 27 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'J Morris',
sire: 'Blackthorn Ilmarinen at Drakeshead',
dame: 'Leadburn Unitey',
{ contactId: '876795b2-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mrs Barbara Everitt' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Barbara', surname: 'Everitt' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Tony Everitt',
date: Sun Oct 30 2022 10:18:37 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '631c78085411b311009bcc73',
name: 'Tarnedge Shamrock',
regNo: 'AT02708603',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Fri Jun 24 2016 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'E.Parish',
sire: 'FTCH Copperbirch Paddy of Leadburn',
dame: 'Tarnedge Peregrine',
{ contactId: '87679a08-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Tony Everitt' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Thu Oct 12 2023 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '1st',
stake: 'Novice',
society: 'Central Scotland Gundog Club' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Tony', surname: 'Everitt' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Ian Hollern',
date: Sun Oct 30 2022 13:57:34 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: 'a2201add-6225-4732-a5f0-531f3ff302ea',
name: 'Kenxtwen Date with Destiny',
regNo: 'AX02965303',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Dog',
dateOfBirth: Fri Jul 10 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Lord A Leven',
sire: 'Omachie Jock Scott',
dame: 'Fyvie Fiver',
{ contactId: '8767dd60-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Ian Hollern' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Ian', surname: 'Hollern' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Adrian Slater',
date: Sun Oct 30 2022 14:02:56 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '6bc81c97-936d-4d15-ad8b-a7d283182c15',
name: 'Minstead Eve',
regNo: 'AW02433308',
studNo: '',
breedId: 'abc8af2c-a383-4c5b-b0e2-832ebf8ca421',
breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
sex: 'Bitch',
dateOfBirth: Sun Jun 30 2019 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Judith White',
sire: 'Minstead Axel',
dame: 'Minstead Costello',
{ contactId: '87686e4c-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Adrian Slater' },
qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
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notes: '',
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{ owner: 'Mrs Caroline Slater',
date: Sun Oct 30 2022 14:06:01 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '147d22e2-0cb1-48e8-bf86-485462ab06d9',
name: 'Kayteridge Don\'t Stop',
regNo: 'AW01629008',
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breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
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dateOfBirth: Tue Apr 23 2019 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mick Kay',
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{ contactId: '87687068-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mrs Caroline Slater' },
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isChampion: false,
notes: '',
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handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Caroline', surname: 'Slater' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Ally Kennedy',
date: Mon Oct 31 2022 18:10:50 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '63108c0c37c8c210008f1386',
name: 'Greenbriar Kaiser of Abergowan',
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dateOfBirth: Mon Nov 09 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mrs C Clarke',
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dame: 'Greenbriar Harpy',
{ contactId: '8767f750-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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{ awarded: true,
date: Fri Oct 11 2024 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
award: '3rd',
stake: 'Open (24 Dogs)',
society: 'Lothian & Borders Gundog Association' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
otherOwners: '' },
handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Ally', surname: 'Kennedy' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Ally Kennedy',
date: Mon Oct 31 2022 18:10:50 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '63108d9137c8c210008f1387',
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studNo: '',
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breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
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dateOfBirth: Sun Feb 11 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr WL Steel',
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{ contactId: '8767f750-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Ally Kennedy' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Tue Dec 07 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
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isChampion: false,
notes: '',
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handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Ally', surname: 'Kennedy' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Tam Beattie',
date: Mon Oct 31 2022 21:02:25 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '6360150f5411b311009bcd1f',
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breedName: 'Retriever (Labrador)',
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dateOfBirth: Thu Aug 15 2019 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ contactId: '634479e95411b311009bccc5',
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{ awarded: true,
date: Wed Jan 25 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
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isChampion: false,
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handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Tam', surname: 'Beattie' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Jamie Copeland',
date: Tue Nov 01 2022 06:17:39 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '9a7aec1e-04ec-4c36-a599-1f79d3aba637',
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dateOfBirth: Thu Aug 22 2019 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr G Maxwell',
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{ contactId: '87676a56-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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isChampion: false,
notes: '',
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handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Jamie', surname: 'Copeland' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Kevin Butler',
date: Wed Nov 02 2022 10:00:43 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '63623f865411b311009bcd2c',
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dateOfBirth: Thu Jun 04 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr K Butler',
sire: 'Ftch Beileys Aguzannis of Fendawood.',
dame: 'Turpingreen Ando.',
{ contactId: '634c51e15411b311009bcccc',
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{ owner: 'Mr James Grant',
date: Wed Nov 02 2022 17:47:28 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '6362ac445411b311009bcd30',
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dateOfBirth: Mon Jun 05 2017 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Graham Slater',
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{ contactId: '8767d20c-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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{ owner: 'Mr David McBurney',
date: Thu Nov 03 2022 06:40:53 GMT+0000 (utc),
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dateOfBirth: Sun Jan 05 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Helen McBurney',
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{ owner: 'Mr John Howden',
date: Thu Nov 03 2022 23:01:33 GMT+0000 (utc),
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date: Tue Nov 07 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
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handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'John', surname: 'Howden' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Paul Dixon',
date: Sat Nov 05 2022 04:20:02 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: 'cb253eda-a9b5-405c-a967-7885a7f13ca0',
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dateOfBirth: Fri Apr 10 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr. J. Munro',
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{ owner: 'Mr joe hunter',
date: Tue Nov 08 2022 17:23:11 GMT+0000 (utc),
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dateOfBirth: Wed Mar 31 2021 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'DR P Flanigan',
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{ owner: 'Mrs Thelma Blumenthal',
date: Wed Nov 09 2022 08:36:46 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '630c4f6637c8c210008f134e',
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dateOfBirth: Sun Feb 09 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ contactId: '62ee8ab6b07a731000faaa15',
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{ owner: 'Mr Kevin Haynes',
date: Wed Nov 09 2022 22:03:17 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '631dbbc25411b311009bcc76',
name: 'Liverycroft Buffalo Dance of Cairngryffe',
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dateOfBirth: Thu Feb 20 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr G Sykes',
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{ contactId: '8767db3a-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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{ awarded: true,
date: Wed Dec 15 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
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handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Kevin', surname: 'Haynes' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Orrin H Ingram',
date: Wed Nov 09 2022 22:04:14 GMT+0000 (utc),
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dateOfBirth: Fri Jul 31 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Orrin Ingram',
sire: 'Fendawood Huntsman',
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{ contactId: '8767eb3e-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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{ owner: 'Mrs Pauline Farmer',
date: Thu Nov 10 2022 11:30:38 GMT+0000 (utc),
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dateOfBirth: Sat Jul 23 2016 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mrs KTA Jinks',
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{ contactId: '8767a3b8-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mrs Pauline Farmer' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Sat Nov 04 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
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isChampion: false,
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handler: { title: 'Mrs', forename: 'Pauline', surname: 'Farmer' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Alexander Robertson',
date: Thu Nov 10 2022 16:05:03 GMT+0000 (utc),
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dateOfBirth: Sat Mar 13 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr T S Smith',
sire: 'Millbuies Grouse of Cardy',
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{ contactId: '87685772-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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{ awarded: true,
date: Fri Nov 04 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Ms Nikki Waddington',
date: Thu Nov 10 2022 18:11:45 GMT+0000 (utc),
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dateOfBirth: Sun Mar 25 2018 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr L Hayman',
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{ contactId: '87688b84-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
notes: '',
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handler: { title: 'Ms', forename: 'Nikki', surname: 'Waddington' } },
{ owner: 'Mr William G. Steel',
date: Thu Nov 10 2022 18:14:22 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '9cb07a75-d0c8-43d8-b31d-cc0c226e511f',
name: 'Haggisbank Loky',
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dateOfBirth: Thu May 21 2020 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr T. Leitch',
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dame: 'Haggisbank Piper',
{ contactId: '8768806c-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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qualification: { awarded: false, date: null, award: '', stake: '', society: '' },
isChampion: false,
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handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'William G.', surname: 'Steel' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Fraser Forbes',
date: Thu Nov 10 2022 18:16:08 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: '709e2531-2733-46d3-97c3-328b83613ee8',
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dateOfBirth: Sat Mar 27 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mrs KL Rennie',
sire: 'Millbuies Grouse Of Cardy',
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{ contactId: '8767aa3e-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
name: 'Mr Fraser Forbes' },
{ awarded: true,
date: Fri Sep 29 2023 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
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stake: 'Novice',
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isChampion: false,
notes: '',
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handler: { title: 'Mr', forename: 'Fraser', surname: 'Forbes' } },
{ owner: 'Mr Robert Mitchell',
date: Sat Nov 12 2022 18:22:44 GMT+0000 (utc),
{ _id: 'b2ccc9d3-fcd0-46b5-af24-2bda87cd3164',
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dateOfBirth: Sat Apr 02 2016 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (utc),
breeder: 'Mr. A. Schofield',
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{ contactId: '87682d9c-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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date: Sat Dec 03 2022 16:14:50 GMT+0000 (utc),
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[ { name: 'Stake 3 - 16 Dog Novice A/V Retriever Trial on Sat 3rd Dec 2022',
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date: Sat Dec 03 2022 16:14:50 GMT+0000 (utc),
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[ { id: '876800ec-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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{ id: '87681d52-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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{ id: '87675944-ab8e-11ec-b909-0242ac120002',
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[ { owner: 'Mr John Cullen',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 13:47:21 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr John Cullen',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 13:47:21 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Graham Wilson',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 14:00:49 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Andy Fairweather',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 14:29:58 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Ian Palmer',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 14:33:11 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Allan Downie',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 15:30:55 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr David Milne',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 15:54:26 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Matthew Gordon',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 17:12:18 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Jonathan Sim',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 17:15:47 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Colin Stuart',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 18:24:40 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mrs Fiona Melville',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 18:50:14 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Lee Hartis',
date: Thu Oct 27 2022 05:03:30 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mrs Carol Johnson',
date: Thu Oct 27 2022 15:09:54 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mrs Carol Johnson',
date: Thu Oct 27 2022 15:09:54 GMT+0000 (utc),
dog: [Object],
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{ owner: 'Mr Ian Lohoar',
date: Fri Oct 28 2022 11:38:45 GMT+0000 (utc),
dog: [Object],
handler: [Object] },
{ owner: 'Mrs Sarah Miles',
date: Fri Oct 28 2022 14:12:48 GMT+0000 (utc),
dog: [Object],
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{ owner: 'Mr Lewis Macneill',
date: Fri Oct 28 2022 14:36:03 GMT+0000 (utc),
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handler: [Object] },
{ owner: 'Mr James Munro',
date: Sat Oct 29 2022 08:46:50 GMT+0000 (utc),
dog: [Object],
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{ owner: 'Mr Tom Forgie',
date: Sat Oct 29 2022 19:32:08 GMT+0000 (utc),
dog: [Object],
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{ owner: 'Mr Kerr Taylor',
date: Sat Oct 29 2022 19:33:27 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mrs Barbara Everitt',
date: Sun Oct 30 2022 10:15:06 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Tony Everitt',
date: Sun Oct 30 2022 10:18:37 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Ian Hollern',
date: Sun Oct 30 2022 13:57:34 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Adrian Slater',
date: Sun Oct 30 2022 14:02:56 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mrs Caroline Slater',
date: Sun Oct 30 2022 14:06:01 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Ally Kennedy',
date: Mon Oct 31 2022 18:10:50 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Ally Kennedy',
date: Mon Oct 31 2022 18:10:50 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Tam Beattie',
date: Mon Oct 31 2022 21:02:25 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Jamie Copeland',
date: Tue Nov 01 2022 06:17:39 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Kevin Butler',
date: Wed Nov 02 2022 10:00:43 GMT+0000 (utc),
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handler: [Object] },
{ owner: 'Mr James Grant',
date: Wed Nov 02 2022 17:47:28 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr David McBurney',
date: Thu Nov 03 2022 06:40:53 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr John Howden',
date: Thu Nov 03 2022 23:01:33 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Paul Dixon',
date: Sat Nov 05 2022 04:20:02 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr joe hunter',
date: Tue Nov 08 2022 17:23:11 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mrs Thelma Blumenthal',
date: Wed Nov 09 2022 08:36:46 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Kevin Haynes',
date: Wed Nov 09 2022 22:03:17 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Orrin H Ingram',
date: Wed Nov 09 2022 22:04:14 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mrs Pauline Farmer',
date: Thu Nov 10 2022 11:30:38 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Alexander Robertson',
date: Thu Nov 10 2022 16:05:03 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Ms Nikki Waddington',
date: Thu Nov 10 2022 18:11:45 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr William G. Steel',
date: Thu Nov 10 2022 18:14:22 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Fraser Forbes',
date: Thu Nov 10 2022 18:16:08 GMT+0000 (utc),
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{ owner: 'Mr Robert Mitchell',
date: Sat Nov 12 2022 18:22:44 GMT+0000 (utc),
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[ { _id: '63593a8b5411b311009bcce1',
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{ _id: '635944725411b311009bcce6',
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{ _id: '635945405411b311009bcce8',
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{ _id: '635952e25411b311009bccea',
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{ _id: '635958435411b311009bccec',
date: Wed Oct 26 2022 15:54:26 GMT+0000 (utc),
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date: Sun Oct 30 2022 13:57:34 GMT+0000 (utc),
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